A Spirit Led Church filled with the love, power and presence of God


At Faith Community Church, we are a Spirit-led community of believers, always in pursuit of God’s presence, power and love to be manifested in and through us.

We champion members growing in and developing their God-given gifts to impact the world around them both spiritually and practically. As a church, we derive our faith and strength from our Lord Jesus Christ and we endeavour to be a light unto our localities, both in Bedford and Cambridge, by spreading kindness, showing compassion and bringing hope to our communities.

Our Story

In 1985, the Lord impressed on Reverend Emmanuel Brown to start weekly house prayer meetings, alternating between two homes. The group eventually outgrew the home space, so they went searching for a bigger space, moving a couple of time before finally settling in St Martin’s Hall on Clapham Road, which they rented up until 2004.

In 2001, Daniel Brown (last child of Emmanuel and Louise Brown) was appointed Lead Pastor of the church while his father retired and returned to Jamaica.

In 2005 the congregation moved to a local school where it grew considerably.
11 years later and after another move, an opportunity came up for us to purchase the building in which the ministry had started all those years ago. Upon hearing this news, a local church reached out to us and asked if we would like to use their building free-of-charge while we renovate our building; it is at this place of worship that we presently reside while we await the completion of our new home

Statement of Beliefs

We believe in one God, eternally existing as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and that Jesus was begotten of the Father, conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary.

We believe the Scriptures – both the Old and New Testaments – to be the inspired Word of God. It is the final authority for our faith, our life and for the governance of the Church.

We believe that God created mankind in His own image, male and female. Thereafter, sin entered the first man through disobedience, resulting in spiritual death for all mankind.

We believe that Jesus Christ had to die a substitutionary death for the sins of mankind so that we could be reconciled back to God.

We believe in the bodily death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, His ascension into Heaven and His future return to earth.

We believe in the personality of the Holy Spirit and His regenerating work; that the Holy Spirit indwells all true believers and that He has been sent to be the Comforter and Empowerer of the Christian Church, to produce fruits (Galatians 5: 22-23) and give out gifts (1 Corinthians 12: 8-11) in the lives of believers according to the Scriptures.

We believe in the baptism of believers by immersion in water in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, as it is written in Matthew 28: 19 and Acts 2: 38, and the baptism of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 3: 11).

We believe in the regular practice of the breaking of bread and the taking of wine / grape juice to remind us of the new covenant established through Jesus Christ’s death on our behalf.

We believe that all who repent of their sin and receive the Lord Jesus Christ by faith are born again of the Holy Spirit and thereby become children of God.

We believe that all Christians are called to a life of holiness, devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ and service to Him.

We believe in the priesthood of all believers.

We believe that all mankind will stand before God on Judgement day to give an account for their actions, words and motives of the heart.

Leadership team

Senior Pastor

Daniel Brown

Daniel Brown is the Senior Pastor of Faith Community Church. A worshipper at heart, Daniel has been serving as a singer and musician in church from an early age and he has gone on to minister at a national and international level as a recording artiste.

After studying at the Bible Way Training Institute and the London School of Theology together with his lovely wife Helen, Daniel has been pastoring the church for the past 30 years, passionate about preaching the Gospel, training disciples and raising fully equipped Christians to impact the world around them.


Ivylyn Mullings

Ivylyn Mullings is the Pastor of the Cambridge branch. After giving her life to Christ 52 years ago, she has served in various church departments, from teaching in Sunday School to leading the Youth ministry.

Passionate about prayer and evangelism, Ivylyn has worked as a missionary for several years, establishing churches both abroad and at home and assisting Pastors in their assignment. This prepared her for stepping into her current role in FCC back in 2014. Together with senior pastor Daniel, they are committed to preaching the Gospel and seeing souls being saved for the Kingdom of God.


Helen Brown

Born in Cambridge, Helen Brown grew up in a Christian family and started serving in the Church from a young age, in evangelism and worship. She was baptised at age 10 and went on to write songs and sing in various Church choirs, which is how she met her now Pastor and husband, Daniel.

After their wedding, she moved to Bedford and found herself drawn to serve in hospitality. An ardent intercessor with a compassionate heart, Helen has led the Women’s ministry and the Children’s department, but lately, her passion is geared towards supporting the less privileged with her benevolence projects.


Darren Russell


Melvena Henry

Operations Manager

Ruth Russell


Errol Ballantyne