We serve God by spreading His love into our community
A forum designed to support men and help them in their development (mental, professional and spiritual) by providing teaching events, seminars and workshops for single dads and vulnerable males, etc. In addition, a number of social activities are organised throughout the year to promote fellowship.
“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Proverbs 4: 23 NIV
A platform to equip women to fulfill their purpose in Christ; to encourage and support married women, single ladies and single mothers through the various seasons and challenges that life brings.
We encourage our children and youth to grow and develop into responsible, caring and understanding young adults by teaching them Bible’s principles and instilling in them Kingdom’s values. We aim to provide a number of recreational activities such as fun evenings, football/basketball coaching, music and singing classes and educational supports.
“And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” Hebrews 13: 16
Through our benevolence ministry at FCC, we aim to impact the world around us by spreading hope and love to those in need. Just as Jesus gave physical and spiritual gifts to the world (food/water, peace and joy), we are also committed to give out of our time and resources to bless our communities.